School Financial Management Made Simple

Join School Finance Specialist and founder of Effervesce Susan Fielden to demystify the sometimes fear-inspiring arena of school finances. This free webinar is discursive and designed to answer the most significant issues attendees have. The session began with a poll to gauge which topics were most important to attendees. Susan then focussed on what they […]

Embedding well being in schools

In recent years, global mental health statistics for children have painted a worrying picture. Teachers’ mental health and teacher attrition rates have also been concerning. The impact of Covid-19 is showing us that, more than ever, we need a stronger focus on wellbeing in education. In this free webinar from the SMARTcurriculum Academy Series, positive […]

Innovation and Excellence in Governance

Post lockdown governance should never be the same again. This webinar considers innovative and highly effective approaches in maintained and academy sectors that can be adapted in your context. This will include: What should the priority foci of governance be? How might governance boards more effectively work with and challenge executive leaders? Innovative governance models […]

Thinking and Practices in Safe-guarding

Debbie Dowsett has years of professional experience in safeguarding practice in social, health and education services. In this webinar Debbie covers the story of how she has brought professional safeguarding thinking and practices to the school environment by engaging all staff in an understanding of how to approach this huge issue. Debbie explores: – the […]

Timetable recovery – COVID response

With all the challenges created by the COVID-19 school return guidance, many are considering ad hoc arrangements for timetabling pupil bubbles. You will have already written and roomed full timetables for the 2020-21 academic year and now be making adaptions.

Designing Primary Curriculum

Your curriculum design has never been more important as we find ourselves in uncharted waters. Find out how one school’s chosen approach can be moulded to address the significant issues facing school, pupils and communities at this time. Through courageous leadership and with creativity and flexibility, pupil needs can be met through a cross-curricular approach […]