“Keep it Simple, Stupid” – KISS
In creating, implementing and maintaining anything, especially complex delivery systems, a great directive I was given as a younger manager was to ‘keep things as simple as possible.’ I remember my headteacher telling me, when trying to implement an assessment system where staff were struggling just to cope with the entry system, the technology […]
Curriculum Modelling: Cycle Design
The pandemic period has brought a number of things into focus for school leaders. One I have been asked most about over the past few months is what is going on in curriculum modelling cycle design. Within the secondary curriculum modelling understanding there is the characteristic of a number of organised sessions over a defined number of days into which we plan for the learning experiences to be scheduled with specialist staff.
Primary ICFP
I was recently asked to write an article for the PSM magazine to discuss the application of Integrated Curriculum and Finance Planning within the primary sector. Here is a taster of what I discussed.
Only the brave
I would like to invite you to take part in something that, after 35 years in the education profession, I see as one of the most exciting programmes I have seen. We are looking for school leaders who would consider adopting this approach for developing your learner’s resilience and leadership skills. Chris Jones CEO CJ […]