Your curriculum design has never been more important as we find ourselves in uncharted waters. Find out how one school’s chosen approach can be moulded to address the significant issues facing school, pupils and communities at this time. Through courageous leadership and with creativity and flexibility, pupil needs can be met through a cross-curricular approach that is interwoven through all parts of your curriculum.
In this, the third in CJ Learning’s popular series of School Leadership webinars, Executive Headteacher Claire Probert shares her experience of developing an outstanding creative curriculum, which has been hugely effective in engaging learners at a high level, as well as promoting confidence, problem-solving skills and independent, critical thinking. Pupils engage in termly enriched learning experiences, engaging children and their families in wildly creative events including taking over a local theatre to present published e-books written by each child; forming charities which support causes across the world; running a school radio; developing pupil-led well-being workshops raising money for class piggy banks; student product design, development, production and sales; flash-mob dances; and many, many more!
In this free webinar you will be able to hear about how to start or improve on your current creative curriculum, with ideas for the most successful topics, as well as how to encourage support and engagement from families and the local community.
Claire Probert is the inspiring Executive Head of Primary across Challenger Multi Academy Trust. Since joining the Lancot Challenger Primary Academy in Dunstable as Deputy and then being promoted to Headteacher in 2017, Claire and her team have rapidly made Lancot one of the most exciting, sought-after and successful schools in the area. Lancot has become an exemplar for teaching using the creative curriculum approach and Claire enjoys sharing her passion with teachers wishing to use a similar approach.
See other webinars in CJ Learning’s series of Leadership Webinars, helping SLT members respond to current challenges; sharing good practice and developing partnerships.
She tweets @probert_c