SMARTcurriculum® Update Issue 16 – Summer 1 2022
Latest edition of SMARTcurriculum Update, with news of all new features and webinars to books.
SMARTcurriculum® Update Issue 15 – Spring 1 2022
Latest edition of SMARTcurriculum Update, with news of all new features and webinars to books.
SMARTcurriculum® Update Issue 14 – Autumn 1 2021
Latest edition of SMARTcurriculum Update, with news of all new features and webinars to books.
Curriculum Leadership Courses 2021-22
Latest edition of SMARTcurriculum Update, with news of all new features and webinars to books.
SMARTcurriculum® Update Issue 13
Latest edition of SMARTcurriculum Update, with news of all new features and webinars to books.
Why does Curriculum Enhancement matter?
What is Curriculum Enhancement? After years of working with schools on efficiency, affordability and recovery I found myself asking a common question when reviewing and analysing a school’s curriculum planning: “Is this curriculum plan the right size for the children that are currently in the building?” For many years schools have used a set of […]
SMARTcurriculum® Update Issue 12
Letting SMARTcurriculum® Users know about the various strands of support we offer, including new How To videos.
SMARTcurriculum® Update Issue 11
Letting SMARTcurriculum® Users know about the various strands of support we offer, including new How To videos.
Why would ICFP matter for us? Part 1
I recently wrote an article for online journal the headteacher, ‘Getting to Grips with ICFP’ focused on why ICFP is different in its application within the primary context. Do have a look.
SMARTcurriculum® Update Issue 10
Letting SMARTcurriculum® Users know about the various strands of support we offer, including new How To videos.
Primary ICFP
I was recently asked to write an article for the PSM magazine to discuss the application of Integrated Curriculum and Finance Planning within the primary sector. Here is a taster of what I discussed.
Timetable Recovery – a post pandemic response
In recent conversations with many schools it seems that people are taking seriously the changes in circumstances that have opened their eyes to alternative methodologies in putting their schools together.