Empowering free webinar on career progression planning – Friday, July 9, 2021, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM BST

Plan future teaching and learning, your career progression and help students plan inspired future paths using Territory Mapping.
Chris Jones invites you to join an end of term adventure, exploring an inspirational new way of developing essential personal leadership skills and values in your students and teachers. You will meet Anthony Willoughby, who created this revolutionary approach to leadership development, as well as John Rolfe and other teachers using it successfully. This seminar will appeal to students and teachers alike.
Friday 9th July, 15.30-17.00 BST
Book your FREE place:
Anthony will provide you with practical examples of how his Your Leadership Journey to Success and Freedom – Be Clear, Be Bold, Be Free! curriculum is being adopted by forward-thinking schools in the UK and overseas. These schools are successfully reinvigorating Character Education in exciting ways that students and teachers can passionately embrace.
“It was immediately obvious to me that this was something that could add immense purpose and value to our curriculum at all levels. This is why I have grown to be fascinated by the potential of this fresh, new and exciting approach.” Graeme Malcolm, Deputy Head of Secondary at The Nord Anglia International School, Dubai
John Rolfe, Head of Art and Music at St Clare’s, Oxford, will explain how he currently uses the methodology to help teachers gain a clear view of where they are and where they want to get to in their careers. It also provides new ideas on how to teach subjects, including art, in an inspirational and adaptable way.
“I found this aspect of the training incredibly useful to help me clarify my goals. I found what Anthony had to say very powerful and inspiring.” Charlotte – a teacher in China
This valuable, thought-provoking session will help all teachers in search innovative and interactive curricula, adaptable to all delivery mechanisms. There will be ample time for Q&A.
“I want to thank you for a truly superb and exciting, extremely energising workshop. Thank you – you changed my students’ lives, as well as mine.” Professor Geeta Patel, University of Virginia
This valuable, thought-provoking webinar will help all teachers creatively and confidently plan their career progression, as well as offering ways to work with students to map their character development needs and territory. There will be ample time for Q&A.