SMARTcurriculum® Application
Dear SMARTcurriculum User
This term we wanted to share our SMARTcurriculum timeline with you, which we hope will be a useful poster or aide-memoir for curriculum review and modelling activities throughout the year.
You will naturally want to add in your in-house conversations at times to suit you and your team, but we have included the processes schools go through as standard, as well as available support videos you might wish to tap into at certain points.
We hope you find the SMARTcurriculum Timeline useful. To zoom in, print, etc, please use tool bar at the top of the PDF viewer:
Curriculum & Timetable Leadership Training
We have really useful training courses coming up next term for curriculum and timetable leaders. Please do share with relevant colleagues. All the details here:
Kind regards
Chris and the SMARTcurriculum team